The SCFD has been approved by voters four times over the course of our 35-year history of providing culture for all. Time flies when you’re providing foundational support to hundreds of arts, culture and science organizations loved by millions and the SCFD is gearing up ask voters to continue their support in 2028. Denver metro area voters created the district in 1987 and for three decades the SCFD has asked them to keep a good thing going for arts and culture in our region. Every single time voters have replied with a resounding “yes.”
Recently, the SCFD Board of Directors approved a framework for collecting the input the district will need from stakeholders and supporters to chart a vision for the district’s future. Over the next few years, we will be conducting research and engaging with SCFD stakeholders to gather feedback and build consensus on the right framework to carry the district into its next 30 years.
Check this page for updates on SCFD’s stakeholder engagement process and how you can learn more and get engaged.